Top Resources for Kingdom & Faith Driven Entrepreneurs

I get it. You have a heart for Jesus and love business. I do too! But sometimes it's hard to know how to connect with others or how to find great resources for folks just like us. 

I flicked through my rolodex (remember those?!) and reached out to some friends I've made along the way. Here's some of the best resources out there to help you on your journey too.  

1. Dream Big Podcast with Bob Goff

My buddy Bob is one of those folks that everyone just loves to be around. You've heard the saying that you'll never forget how people make you feel, well Bob is a living example of what that looks like. His podcast is rockin', with some incredible guests and amazing stories. And as an entrepreneur himself he's living out the lesson of how we can all do better at fusing our faith with our entrepreneurial hearts to deliver impact for the Kingdom.  

2. Faith Driven Entrepreneur

Helping Christ-following entrepreneurs find their community and fulfill their God-given call to create. Led by Henry Kaestner from Sovereign Capital, these folks are building out a full set of resources, podcasts and even local groups for faith driven entrepreneurs to meet and connect through. 

Tied to this is also Faith Driven Investor that helps folks make sure that every investment makes an impact.

3. Heaven in Business

Andy Mason heads up Heaven in Business and he's just an amazing guy. Such a genuine heart for the Kingdom and a real authentic approach to living life with Heaven in it! He's built out a podcast, online resources and a monthly online membership for additional resources. They also host live, in person events throughout the year so you won't want to miss one of those!

4. Workplace Prayer

Yep, you read that right. Bob and Amy literally run a business that revolves around prayer, and praying for other businesses! They also have some great weekly zoom calls, email newsletters and books all around helping you and me pray better. Who doesn't need that?!

5. Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur - Shae has been at this for over a decade so she really 'gets' the idea of Kingdom and Business fusing together. Her podcast is great, her books are helpful and she also hosts in-person events that you might want to take a peek at! Her heart is to help others experience God’s best in their business while having a greater Kingdom impact in the marketplace. I can tell you from personal experience that she's the real deal. 

6. Business as Mission - Another OG in the space, these folks have been plugging away at this message for over 20 years (!) and seem to be loved by everyone. Their focus is on championing the power of business in God’s missional plan for the world.  

7. Kingdom at Work - This came out of a home builder in Texas called Betenbough homes who decided they wanted to do better and fusing their faith with their business. Their handbook is something to see (seriously, get a hold of one if you can) and they host regular, in person events while putting out content that is genuine and authentic. 

8. Theology of Business - Explore and apply God's will for business.Sounds cool right? Well Darren is pretty cool actually. He helps folks publish books (as in, almost 200 books), has built the Theology of Business Institute into something inspiring to many, many others, he's written a few books himself and also churns out a ton of free content. If you like to go deep, this site might be for you. 


You might also want to check out these links from others who have a heart to help!

Mike Henry over at the Follower Of One leads marketplace mission trips while also podcasting.

John Ramstead runs Beyond Influence

Tim Winders has an excellent podcast at Seek Go Create.

Kim Avery wrote the book "The Prayer Powered Entrepreneur"

Brian Robinson hosts the awesome Real Faith Stories podcast with some unbelievable stories on it. 

Jon Sanders and Les Hughes host the Entrepastors podcast aimed at Pastors who want to get into the entrepreneurial world. They're pretty amazing guys too! 


Mike Thakur, Worklodge's CEO on Building Culture, Community, and Taking Risks


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